4月16日 李宁 BikeBoy野猫赛

Li Ning Bike Boy Alleycat

1.  阅读比赛规则
     Read the rules and regulations

2. 查看检查点位置并下载比赛地图
     Look at check point locations and download race map

3. 阅读检查点游戏描述及规则
     Read the checkpoint game rules

4.  如有任何问题请拨打电话182 1058 5864。
     If you are registered for the alleycat bike race then come to the 798 Iberia Contemporary Art Center on time at 2pm.

If you are not registered, then you can still come out and watch the fun. If you have any questions please call 182 1058 5864.

In any case you can come on out and party with us at the 798 Iberia Contemporary Art Center from 8pm onwards.

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